• Tiếng Việt

When is Tax payment date accepted by the Tax Authority?

  • Date e-tax payment is the day that the tax-payer or their representative remit balance in their account to pay tax and Kienlongbank confirms successful tax payment.

Why does not Kienlongbank debit account and Tax Authority send Deposit Receipt to email of tax payer though tax payer already made Deposit Receipt at bank?

Taxpayer click on “Tra Cuu” and then “Tra cuu Giay nop tien” on criteria of date of the Deposit Statement to see its status which falls 1 of the following 3 situations:

  • Statement was made: taxpayer just made but did not “sign and send” to send to the bank à Please select “Chi tiet” and process “Ky va Nop” so that the Statement will be sent to the bank.
  • Statement was submitted for signing: taxpayer just submitted but did not “sign and send” to send to the bank à Please select “Chi tiet” and process “Ky va Nop” so that the Statement will be sent to the bank.
  • Statement was sent: taxpayer did “sign and send” to send to the bank who is processing à Please check later.