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Overview on Kienlongbank

Full name Ngan hang Thuong mai Co phan Kien Long
International name: Kien Long Commercial Joint - Stock Bank
Short name: KienlongBank
Swift code: KLBKVNVX
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Mr. Tran Ngoc Minh
Acting CEO: Mr. Tran Hong Minh
Tax code: 1700197787
Auditor: A&C Auditing and Consulting Company Limited
Website: www.kienlongbank.com

KienlongBank was officially put into operation in October 27, 1995.

Operation license No.0056/NH-GP dated September 18, 1995 of the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam.

Business registration certificate: the first registration on October 10, 1995 and the 39th adjustment on April 26, 2018.

KienlongBank has a subsidiary which is KienlongBank Asset Management Ltd. Company (KBA).

Until December 2018, KienlongBank network has Head office, 134 branches and transaction offices nationwide.

Principle activities: mobilizing short, medium and long-term capital in the form of time deposits, demand deposits, certificates of deposit; granting loans, guarantees, factorings, discountings and re-discountings of valuable papers; providing settlement services to customers, foreign exchange trading and other banking services.


In order to become one of leading retail banks in Vietnam, over past years, Kienlongbank has continuously improved its management and administration solutions, prioritized training and human resource development. With right mechanism to attract talents, friendly working environment, attractive and timely remuneration and reward policies, Kienlongbank has been building a common home with core values of "Kind-hearted; Prestigious; Consistent; Green" which are its own values and culture.

As of December 31st, 2019, Kienlongbank’s total employees were 5,011 including 3,185 official staff and 1,826 collaborators.


Kienlongbank always aims at an HR quality and invests in training professional knowledge, management skills, professional ethics to create eligible human resources for Kienlongbank's development requirements from time to time. Kienlongbank has been organizing many internal training courses, and assigned personnel to professional training courses, seminars, conferences by Vietnam Banks Association, the State Bank of Vietnam to enhance the Bank's professional qualifications for staff and employees. In addition, Kienlongbank has also cooperated with partners in training programs to develop skills for employees such as teaching skills for internal lecturers, management skills, sales skills, securities knowledge …



With the motto of “Improve stability, optimize cost and ensure security” on top priority of all business activities, a number of information technology projects are launched to successfully satisfy increasingly big scale of the bank such as Construction of Data Center in Long An, Domain Controller System; Mail Exchange System; Microsoft Lync consolidated communications; Core Banking TCBS system (a product of OSI Corporation - US), completion of data center and card core system upgrade.

Kienlongbank has connected with Payoo to implement bill payment & topup service on e-banking, upgraded the electronic tax collection system with the General Department of Taxation (eTax), connected the Customs' tax collection system, built Citad's automatic crediting function; the Bank also built information security enhancement solutions by: servers for important logs, centralized Log servers, disaster recovery scenarios for website systems and emergency switching for website system at two data centers in Binh Duong/Ben Luc.

In 2019, Kienlongbank has implemented a number of projects and upgraded software programs to better serve the management, administration and operations such as: QRCode Code on savings deposit certificates; SIEM and PAM systems; online KPI program and Online software to support business units in KPI assignment and assessment.

In addition, to ensure banking information safety and security in response to 4.0 technology revolution challenges, Kienlongbank has reviewed, updated and completed internal regulations in accordance with stipulations of the State Bank of Vietnam and State agencies; strengthen and develop IT infrastructure to ensure the operational security and safety such as: the application of security solutions in online payment for bank cards, Digital Banking solutions on Omni Channel. Simultaneously, Kienlongbank head office always supervises IT activities of all branches and transaction offices in order to promptly correct shortcomings, errors and support in risk controls and asset protection for the Bank and customers.


A wide range of products and services is offered with various utilities to successfully enhance service quality for customers such as: Vietnam Paracel Islands/Vietnam Spratly Islands ATM cards free of charges at all ATM machines; advanced E-banking services including SMS Banking, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, ATM system, etc. Simultaneously, various new products and services are designed and developed with a wide range of utilities such as E-tax payment, Online Payment (Ecommerce), Inter Bank Fund Transfer (IBFT), etc.

In recent years, Kienlongbank has continuous milestones of product/service development and diversification. Kienlongbank Visa international credit card issuance in 2016 affirms Kienlongbank position in the global payment market. In 2018, Kienlongbank launches international Kienlongbank JCB credit card with many safety features and attractive incentives (card issuance, annual fee, ATM cash withdrawal fee are waived, interest-free up to 55 days, discounts up to 50%, accepted for global transactions/payments. To enhance customer experience, in 2019, Kienlongbank develops further Visa / Kienlongbank JCB debit cards, contactless cards; 3D secure card function.

In addition, in order to expand products and services, offer comprehensive financial solutions on savings, protection, investment, health care to meet customers' needs. On January 2019, Kienlongbank and AIA Vietnam officially signed strategic cooperation to distribute superior life insurance products, help customers a complete financial solution to protect their most important values in life.


The bank’s strategy is to consistently expand its transaction network and bring Kienlongbank’s brand, products and services closer to nationwide customers. Kienlongbank continued expanding its nationwide network and accelerated e-banking service development. Presently, Kienlongbank network has 134 sales points including 31 branches and 103 transaction offices, 165 ATMs located at provinces, cities and main economic regions nationwide. 


In recent years, Kienlongbank has paid special attention to online brand development in order to maximize the Bank's image. After upgrading process, in July 2019, Kienlongbank launched a new website interface with many outstanding features and utilities to increase customer experience. In addition to prominent social media such as facebook, youtube, in 2019, Kienlongbank has other channel of Zalo Official Account platform which is an online branding highlight that Kienlongbank is a young, dynamic bank, aiming at utility and modern values, in line with trend of young consumers.

At the same time, Kienlongbank continues to build and complete the standard brand recognition, develop physical expansion plan, regularly evaluate network operations' performance, thereby made appropriate adjustments in planning, maximizing existing network investment, increasing the brand image of Kienlongbank.



During operation, the state’s policies and decisions are always complied by Kienlongbank. The bank performs well its tax obligations, participates into health insurance and social insurance under legal regulations.

Kienlongbank complies well with the State regulations and monetary policies, positively mobilizes idle capitals of population to provide fundings to the economy. With its achievements, certificates of merit were awarded to Kienlongbank by provincial People’s Committees, General Department of Taxation, Ministry of Finance and Vietnam Social Security. Especially in 2007, the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam signed the Decision No. 1224/2007/QD-CTN (dated October 26th, 2007) to confer Third-class Labor Medal to Kienlongbank for its excellent performance achievement for 2002 - 2006, actively facilitating the socialism development and national protection. 

In 2016, Kienlongbank received Golden Board of Recognition for its contribution to social activities in Mekong Delta and certificate of merit from the State Bank of Vietnam Governor for its excellent performance in statistics tasks for 2011 - 2015.

In 2017, Kienlongbank continued to be honored to receive the Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of Kien Giang People's Committee for its outstanding contributions to social activities the province and the Certificate of Merit from Vietnam General Confederation of Labor for outstanding business performance and strong labor union organization. 

In 2019, Kienlongbank continues to be in the Top 500 of the best profitable enterprises in Vietnam, the Top 100 largest public companies in Vietnam by Forbes Vietnam.