Card Services Personal Loans Corporate Loans Remittances Installments by credit cards Deposits - Savings Electronic Banking Online Tax Payment International Payments Deposit payment Insurances My credit card currently has 50 million limit, if I subscribe for a 24 million installment product with 6 month period, will my existing 50 million limit be affected? 01/04/2019 My credit card currently has 50 million limit, if I subscribe for a 24 million installment product with 6 month period, will my existing 50 million limit be affected? If I buy a product worth 24 million VND with 50% installment within 12 months, how much will I pay when buying? How about the remaining amount without installment payment registration? (01/04/2019) If I buy a product worth VND 24 million and install 100% installment within 12 months, how much do I have to pay when buying? (01/04/2019) Can installments be paid before maturity? (01/04/2019) When I purchase multiple products at a store, do I need to separate invoices for installment and non-installment products? (01/04/2019) How will interest rate be charged if credit card balance is due on due date and the Cardholder does not pay the installment payment? (01/04/2019) « ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 › » Latest news Kienlongbank organized conclusion of business activities in 2020 and set the goals of profit before tax in 2021 is VND 1000 billion 01/30/2021 Kienlongbank appointed 02 additional members to the bod for the term 2018 - 2022 01/29/2021 Kienlongbank is recognitioned in top VNR500 top FAST500 and top PROFIT500 01/11/2021 Most viewed What is the installment payment method via credit card? 08/06/2020 Can installments be paid before maturity? 01/04/2019 Can foreign cardholders participate in installment payments? 01/04/2019 Spotlights