Card Services Personal Loans Corporate Loans Remittances Installments by credit cards Deposits - Savings Electronic Banking Online Tax Payment International Payments Deposit payment Insurances Where can I join the 0% Interest Installment Plan at Kienlongbank International Credit Card Affiliates? 01/04/2019 Where can I join the 0% Interest Installment Plan at Kienlongbank International Credit Card Affiliates? How will interest rate be charged if credit card balance is due on due date and the Cardholder does not pay the installment payment? (01/04/2019) What is the interest rate when buying by installment payment with Kienlongbank international credit card? (for 0% interest installment plan at a partner shop) (01/04/2019) Are there any other fees when purchasing installment payments with Kienlongbank international credit card? (for 0% interest installment plan at a partner shop) (01/04/2019) What installment programs does Kienlongbank have? (01/04/2019) How long can I pay by installment with Kienlongbank international credit card? (01/04/2019) « ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 › » Latest news Kienlongbank organized conclusion of business activities in 2020 and set the goals of profit before tax in 2021 is VND 1000 billion 01/30/2021 Kienlongbank appointed 02 additional members to the bod for the term 2018 - 2022 01/29/2021 Kienlongbank is recognitioned in top VNR500 top FAST500 and top PROFIT500 01/11/2021 Most viewed What is the installment payment method via credit card? 08/06/2020 Can installments be paid before maturity? 01/04/2019 Can foreign cardholders participate in installment payments? 01/04/2019 Spotlights