Card Services Personal Loans Corporate Loans Remittances Installments by credit cards Deposits - Savings Electronic Banking Online Tax Payment International Payments Deposit payment Insurances What is the maximum term of mortgage loan of valuable papers issued by another credit institution? 01/04/2019 What is the maximum term of mortgage loan of valuable papers issued by another credit institution? Who are target customers for guarantee in sale or lease of houses to be built in future? (01/04/2019) How is the Guarantee method? (01/04/2019) What are documents in guarantee in sale or lease of houses to be built in future? (01/04/2019) What is discount rate for L/C method? (01/04/2019) In addition to general credit documents, what documents do customers need to provide when applying for a Bid Security? (01/04/2019) 1 2 3 4 5 6 › » Latest news Kienlongbank organized conclusion of business activities in 2020 and set the goals of profit before tax in 2021 is VND 1000 billion 01/30/2021 Kienlongbank appointed 02 additional members to the bod for the term 2018 - 2022 01/29/2021 Kienlongbank is recognitioned in top VNR500 top FAST500 and top PROFIT500 01/11/2021 Most viewed Why when considering and deciding to give a loan, Kienlongbank requires customers to have a certain minimum equity capital at each period of participating in business plans, investment projects? 01/04/2019 How much is the maximum car loan? 01/04/2019 Can businesses repay a part of the principal before the due date? 01/04/2019 Spotlights