Card Services Personal Loans Corporate Loans Remittances Installments by credit cards Deposits - Savings Electronic Banking Online Tax Payment International Payments Deposit payment Insurances Remittances I transfer money at counter or internet banking with wrong recipient name, wrong account number, or ID card, date of issue, place of issue, and content of money transfer, can I adjust it (before the transaction is made)? 08/06/2020 I transfer money at counter or internet banking with wrong recipient name, wrong account number, or ID card, date of issue, place of issue, and content of money transfer, can I adjust it (before the transaction is made)? Can under 18 aged person receive WU remittance? (08/06/2020) Can I authorize a relative to receive WU remittance? (08/06/2020) I made a money order but discovered the wrong amount of money transfer (or changed my mind, do not want to transfer, or have been scammed….), Can I get my money back? (08/06/2020) Is there a limit on amount of money transferred from another bank? (01/04/2019) I don't have an account at Kienlongbank, so can I transfer money to another bank for my relative or partner? (01/04/2019) 1 2 3 › » Latest news Kienlongbank organized conclusion of business activities in 2020 and set the goals of profit before tax in 2021 is VND 1000 billion 01/30/2021 Kienlongbank appointed 02 additional members to the bod for the term 2018 - 2022 01/29/2021 Kienlongbank is recognitioned in top VNR500 top FAST500 and top PROFIT500 01/11/2021 Most viewed Can Vietnamese individuals transfer VND to foreigners in Vietnam? 01/04/2019 When transferring money in Kienlongbank system, how long does it take? Charges? 01/04/2019 Can under 18 aged person receive WU remittance? 08/06/2020 Spotlights