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1900 6929
Calculated on daily basis
Quick assessment and disbursement
Up to 300 million VND
Up to 12 months
Product information
Product Description: is a loan product in form of overdraft limit on current account with collateral is real estate.
Target customers: Vietnamese individuals.
Characteristic And Utilities
Overdraft period: Up to 12 months.
Loan currency: VND
Overdraft limit:
Interest rate: By Kienlongbank's regulations from time to time.
Loan method: by overdraft limit.
Debt collection method:
Fees: See fee schedule.
Loan calculation:
Frequently asked questions:
Discount up to 50% at shopping, dining,...
Discount 45% for all services at La Beauty Clinic
20% off on total bill when buying at Loy Kee
Hiện tại bạn đang sống ở đâu?
Tôi cần
* Tất cả thông tin bạn cung cấp, Kienlongbank cam kết bảo mật theo đúng quy định của Pháp luật Việt Nam.
Consumption Loans for employees outside Kienlongbank (No security collateral)
Staff loan for Kienlongbank's employees (No security collaterals)
Overdraft Loan for employee and collaporatorsCTV accounts (No collateral)
Consuming Loans
Car Loans
Hotline 24/7 1900 6929
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