Loan insurance Insurances What insurance can I buy from AIA at Kienlongbank? 03/05/2020 What insurance can I buy from AIA at Kienlongbank? During the time when participating in insurance, if you are accidentally financially stuck and cannot pay money? (03/05/2020) I have many different life insurance contracts, if unfortunately there are risks, will I be entitled to benefits under all of those contracts? (03/05/2020) Which life insurance product is the best? (03/05/2020) How much minimum amount does a customer need to have to join life insurance? (03/05/2020) How can life insurance benefit me and my family? (03/05/2020) « ‹ 1 2 3 › » Latest news Kienlongbank organized conclusion of business activities in 2020 and set the goals of profit before tax in 2021 is VND 1000 billion 01/30/2021 Kienlongbank appointed 02 additional members to the bod for the term 2018 - 2022 01/29/2021 Kienlongbank is recognitioned in top VNR500 top FAST500 and top PROFIT500 01/11/2021 Most viewed At what locations of Kienlongbank can I buy AIA insurance? 03/05/2020 Who should I call when an insurance event occurs? Kienlongbank or AIA? 03/05/2020 How are the roles and responsibilities of AIA and Kienlongbank related to the insurance policy? 03/05/2020 Spotlights